Wednesday, September 26, 2012

An unexpected gift

I get up early.  I'm talking early like the sun.  Since school started I can't seem to stay caught up on house cleaning and laundry and the like, and I find if I get up way before anyone else at my house I can get lots done before the kiddos start to stir and we need to get ready to head out for the day.  It makes my family crack up that I get up so early, because I hate mornings and always have.  I tend to be in a foul mood until I've had time to shake the cobwebs out, and was always the last one up when we all lived at home.  They laugh and laugh at the thought that I voluntarily get up before 5am these days.  I'm not saying I enjoy it, but I am saying it's keeping me sane and keeping my house from being condemned.

Such was the case this morning.  Jeremiah had baseball last weekend and we were gone a lot, so I didn't get all the laundry done over the weekend.  I also was too lazy to get up off the couch and do any on Monday evening and Tuesday I had to drive to Oldham County for a conference, so I had to get up extra early just to be ready to leave on time.  This didn't leave much time for laundry but I was down to the underwear I don't like, so it was time to take extreme measures.  I sorted out all of the loads of laundry in the floor of my room last night and started a load before bed.  Then, this morning when I got up, I switched that load to the dryer and started another one.  I had just come back upstairs after the first laundry switch and was calculating if I had time to do one more switch before leaving for work.  Just then my cell phone rang.  What the heck, I thought to myself..... It was Matt Morgan saying that Grant County Schools were on a 2 hour delay due to power outages.  I stood there for a second with my mouth hanging open, and then I all but danced around in happiness.  Two whole extra hours to get things done at home before heading to work.  Woo-hoo!

Then, the unthinkable happened.  About an hour later the phone rang again to say that the power was still out at four of our schools, so school would be closed today.  OH MY GOSH!  I don't know if I've had a surprise this good in months.  My kiddos and I took full advantage of the unexpected gift of a day off school.  Dalaney slept until almost seven thirty, so Jeremiah slept about that long too.  After they got up, we layed around all morning and played with Dalaney and wached Christmas movies.  And of course I've done laundry all day!

Then this afternoon, we worked on cleaning out closets and getting out fall clothes.  I know that doesn't sound fun, but knowing that it's done and I don't have to try to get it done on an upcoming weekend feels pretty good.

The thing we did that was the most fun though, was playing with Dalaney's hair.  It's getting longer and I've been stalking hair blogs and gathering supplies to try some new styles.  This was the result.

I know some of these are blurry, but I'm telling you the girl is fast as lightening.  I think I'm going to get a good picture and then quick as a flash she has moved or turned around or gotten down off my lap. I hope you can tell that she has two very tiny pony tails on top of her head that really look more like little puff balls.  It was sooooo cute and I was very pleased with my parts and the evenness of the tails since this was my first attempt.  Miah, however, was not pleased.  He said she looked like Cindy Lou Who and he didn't want her going out in public like that.  I hope he gets over this because I think it's awesome and she will definitely be going out in public with pony tails sometime soon!

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