Monday, March 19, 2012

Ethiopia Day 5 It's official!

So, today was court day.  I got up pretty early because we had to be ready to go by 8:45 and I didn't want to have to rush while we were getting ready and eating breakfast at the hotel.  That plan was ditched when I got up and found out we had no water.  Not just no hot water, but no water at all!  I was freaking out!  I can't go to court and ask them to give me a baby while I smell bad and have dirty hair.  I went down to the lobby in my pajamas in a panic and the nice lady at the desk told me the company was working on it already.  So, I went back to my room and paced.  Finally, we just decided to go up and eat breakfast in our pj's and then come back down and hope the water had been fixed.  Luckily, Jeremiah tried it one more time before we left and it was on!  I dashed in to the bathroom and started to get ready.

Even though we had been told that our paperwork was complete and ready to go, I was still nervous.  We got to the courthouse and had to walk up three flights of stairs and then wait in a crowded waiting room with adoptive families from all over the world.  For a while nothing happened, and then a lady came out and shushed us all and the first group went it.  We were all on pins and needles waiting for them to come out.  When they did, it was our turn.

Our new friends Whitney and Kurt went in with us and they shut the door.  My heart was beating a mile a minute!  They asked for our passports and then the judge asked each of us, including Jeremiah, if we had seen our children, if we wished to proceed, and if we understood that this was forever.  We all replied yes ma'am to each question and then she said, the paperwork is complete, they are yours!  You will be surprised to know that I held it together when we met Dalaney at the orphanage, but I cried when the judge said it was official.  We are now a family of three!  I can't believe I have a son and a daughter.  I am so blessed.

So, since we have a few (hundred :) photos of my beautiful daughter from this week, I'm going to try to post a few and hope they upoad without taking forever.

This one makes me smile!

Dalaney and her big brother. 
He picked her up from her crib and didn't want to hand her off to anyone else!

                     She sucks her thumb and it is so cute!  I hope I still think that in a few years.

                                                               Our first family photo!

Whoo, what a great day.  I can't believe tomorrow is our last day here.  We get to visit Dalaney one more time tomorrow and then we come back to the hotel to grab our bags and head to the airport.  We so much appreciate all of the prayers and good thoughts that have come our way.  Thanks to all of you!


  1. Congratulations!!!

  2. Oh my WORD! She is so so so precious, and those cheeks! AH! I am so excited for you, and that picture of big brother with his little sis brought me to tears! God's plans are so amazing! Can't wait until you can bring her home FOREVER!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

  3. I LOVE it! I knew Jeremiah would be WONDERFUL with her:) You guys are a pretty snazzy looking family!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Woo hoo!!!!! She's adorable :)!!! What a beautiful family God has knitted together!!

  6. Congratulations - can't wait until she can come home and we can see her in person - praying for a safe return trip...

  7. I love seeing the 3 of you together! I can't wait to hear all about everything!
