Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Living Life at #2

Well, here we are.  Almost eleven months on "the list" and we have moved up to the awesome number of two!  When we first found out we were number two, over a month ago, I just knew our referral was coming any second.  Every time my phone rang, I jumped a mile and checked the screen of my phone because I just knew that I would see the number for our adoption agency.  Now, almost two months later, I'm exhausted!  All of that waiting on the edge of my seat has pretty much worn me out. 

So, I caved and called my agency to see if they could give me any more specific info about what our wait time might be.  The incredibly wonderful and patient Sally told me that the call should come relatively soon, but that I shouldn't be holding my breath every time my phone rings just yet.  I was totally disappointed - like here come the tears disappointed - but I'm trying hard to wait and remember that God has already chosen my daughter and He will introduce her to me in His time, not mine.

So, life at #2 goes on.  There's been lots to fill our time.  Here are some pics to prove that life does go on even while we wait!

Of course there was baseball - what would we do with our time if we didn't play baseball?

That would be my baby pitching. 
Doesn't he look tough? :)

Hanging with his fans after the game. 
Lucy came to cheer Jeremiah on and practice her clapping skills.

Sleeping in the car after the game.  How cute is that?

Forty Days of Purpose
Our church is doing this book study and it is amazing.  We meet on Wednesday evenings for small group Bible study and the food is always great.  Stop on by, we would love to have you!

Notice the food on the counter - that's not even half of what we had! 
Like I said, stop on by, the food is great!

Jodi and I showed up at work in exactly the same shirt on the same day.  It was a tad embarrassing since people kept saying, "Hey, doesn't Jodi have that shirt on today too?"

Harvest for Haiti
Our church took a group of young people to Lexington to help pack meals to be sent to Haiti.  We did this last year too, and it was great fun, and a good lesson for all of us. 
We are so blessed to live the lives we live.
Chilling with my boy at Chic-Fil-A on the way to Lexington

Jeremiah and his buddy Aaron. 
Notice the huge tub of rice next to Aaron.  This was one of the main ingredients in the food bags we packed.

Jodi and the boys showing off after our team cleaned up in a race against Aaron's team.  We totally left them in the dust and packed more meals than they did - even though they would argue that we cheated, which of course is totally untrue!

Our buddy Carol and her daughters Emily and Megan joined us even though Megan has a volleyball injury and is still on crutches.

Over fall break we hung out with my family and one of the highlights was a hayride at my sister's church.  The little kids were so exicited they couldn't wait to get there!

But once we got there it was so cold that Ozzy's teeth were chattering!  This was the best pic of the whole gang we could get between the wind, the cold, and trying to get everyone to look at me at once.

The oldest kiddo and the youngest kiddo hanging out.

Love this one! 
Gwynn was so excited she asked about a hundred times when we were going to the hayride.  I kept telling her five o'clock.  Eventually, she quit asking and started saying the hayride starts at five o'clock!

Jeremiah and Max -
Notice that you can see the shadow of my hands and camera on Max's sweathshirt!

This one is a little fuzzy but I had to include it - that's one girl who is excited about getting a pumpkin!

World's Largest Smore -
They used these giant marshmallows that made smores so big you could hardly fit them in your mouth. 
And my kid at two of them!

Ken's Wedding
Our assistant principal got married last weekend so we took the opportunity to get some good pics while everybody was all dressed up.
Jodi and her fam - don't they look nice?!

All dressed up with no place to go!

Grant was very unhappy when they got to the reception and realized they had missed the appetizers.  He was starving and was even more unhappy when he saw the offerings for the dinner course.  He's a picky eater and didn't like anything they had to offer.  I'm pretty sure he only ate dinner rolls!

He was in a much better mood after he had a huge chunk of chocolate cake!

The pretty boys - how did they get so big?

The boys thought it was great that they got sparkling grape juice in their wine glasses.  At this point they had both unbuttoned their collars and Grant had even taken off his tie.  Jodi says they look like they have had one too many!  I think they are high on life! :)

I sure do love this kid!

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